Thursday, 14 October 2021

The Last Post

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

I had hoped to continue with my Friday Sermons by resorting to copy-and-paste jobs from my past writings. But I have now realized that this too is not possible. Because of my old age & some technical difficulties!

That is why this last post!

Yes, I am unhappy. Not just because of my personal difficulties, but because of this almost complete lawlessness of the modern world, including most of the so-called Islamic nations!!

Justice for all, Truthfulness and No Corruption ought to be the uncompromising guiding principles of all the countries for the sake of a lasting peace here! Every country gives its lip assertion to these principles, but very few practise them!

That is so because humanity, in general, has no belief in God (Allah)! Absolute belief in God is the most essential requirement for the cultivation of the principles mentioned above. 

Belief in God entails:

1. He, by Himself, created the entire Universe and everything therein including mankind. HE has had no partners in His creations.

2. HE has absolute control over all His creations that includes mankind!

3. HE knows everything of the past and of the future of every living being including humans.

4. HE has created human beings on this earth to test them for an everlasting life of pure joy in the Hereafter.

5. Only those shall pass the test who try and tread the Straight Path indicated in the Qur'aan. 

6. A person treating the Straight Path believes in God, recognizes that his/her actions here are minutely being monitored by Him. He/she must be honest, truthful and scrupulously avoid greed, oppression, and injustice to anyone. He/she always seeks divine help in whatever good he/she tries to do in this world.

7. Such a person only gets the passport to Paradise. Others go to Hell to suffer there forever. 

As I perceive it, in this present world, there are very few eligible for Paradise! The bulk of us goes to Hell!!

That is what makes me horrified!

God take mercy on us,

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 15th of October 2021.


Thursday, 7 October 2021

O Muslims -66


In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The extract below is from QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir PART II:

12. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ijtaniboo katheeran mina alththanni inna baAAda alththanni ithmun wala tajassasoo wala yaghtab baAAdukum baAAdan ayuhibbu ahadukum an ya/kula lahma akheehi maytan fakarihtumoohu waittaqoo Allaha inna Allaha tawwabun raheemun

49:12. O you who believe! Avoid most of the speculations! Speculation in some cases indeed is sin. And spy not on one another, nor let some of you backbite on others. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You should abhor it! And fear Allah! Allah is indeed Acceptor of repentance, Merciful.

These are lessons in etiquette in continuation of the preceding Verse 49:11!

Mohammad Shafi

Friday, the 8th of October 2021.

Friday, 1 October 2021

O Muslims - 65


In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The extract below is from QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir PART II. It is one of a series of divine guidelines for mankind on how to lead their earthly life. We prosper if we follow those guidelines. We suffer if we don’t!

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 1st of October 2021.