Thursday, 22 February 2018

Light over Light

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Extract from Chapter 24 of QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir:

35. Allahu nooru alssamawati waal-ardi mathalu noorihi kamishkatin feeha misbahun almisbahu fee zujajatin alzzujajatu kaannaha kawkabun durriyyun yooqadu min shajaratin mubarakatin zaytoonatin la sharqiyyatin wala gharbiyyatin yakadu zaytuha yudee-o walaw lam tamsas-hu narun noorun AAala noorin yahdee Allahu linoorihi man yashao wayadribu Allahu al-amthala lilnnasi waAllahu bikulli shay-in AAaleemun

35. Allah is Light of the heavens and the earth. His Light is as if there were a niche, inside the niche, a lamp and the lamp, inside a glass. The glass, as it were, a bright star, fuelled by a blessed tree of olive, neither of east nor of west, oil of which would glow forth even when no fire touched it! Light over light! Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. And Allah makes use of similitudes for mankind. And Allah is aware of everything! 9 to 13

9. "And there is none comparable unto Him." [Verse 112:4] So Allah makes use of similitudes or parables to convey to mankind some ideas about His unique Being. Similitudes, in terms of things mankind knows of. At the time the verse was revealed, over 1400 years ago, people had niches in the walls of their houses. They placed lamps there. The white-washed wall in the background acted as reflector to give comparatively better light to a room on a dark night. They used olive oil as a fuel for the lamp.
10. But no lamp then could be kindled without an external source of fire. And there was no source of energy, available to mankind then, that could be made to glow forth on its own. Allah therefore said that the source of His Light was unlike anything known to human beings then ("neither of east nor of west"). But in similitudes, references are made to things that are known to people. Why then did Allah make references to things unknown, in the similitude He gave?
11. The All-knowing Allah fashioned His last Book of Guidance in such a way that it would be valid for all future generations till the Last Day. HE knew beforehand then, of the generations that would be given the knowledge of a source of energy - a fuel - that would glow by itself, 'even when no fire touched it'! No marks for guessing that electricity is such a source of energy.
12. It is the electric current that makes the electric bulb glow, without fire (as people, at the time the Qur'aan was revealed, knew of it) 'touching' it. The reflector has replaced the old-time niche for the modern-day 'focus' light. And the fluorescent material of the glass cover, for the electric lamp, glows in addition, producing the effect so aptly described as noorun alaa noor (light over light) in the divinely given similitude.
13. It is thus abundantly apparent that the similitude given in verse 24:35 was meant for people raised on this earth after the discovery of electricity, rather than for people living at the time of revelation of the Qur'aan. By giving the similitude much before its time, the Almighty and All-knowing Allah has foretold the use of electricity, by future generations, for generation of brighter light.

Friday, the 23rd February 2018.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Good Deed, A Waste?

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Extract from Chapter 3 of QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir:

115. Wama yafAAaloo min khayrin falan yukfaroohu waAllahu AAaleemun bialmuttaqeena

115. And whatever good they do, nothing will be suppressed therefrom.131 And Allah knows those who fear Him.

131. There is a general apprehension, in the minds of those who do not have a strong belief in Allah, that the good one does is not adequately appreciated and, therefore, wasted. They are thus inclined to give as much publicity as possible to their good deeds, whereby they hope to get good names and other benefits for themselves. Had their belief in Allah been strong enough, they wouldn't hanker after such mundane benefits. They would be sure that Allah, their Lord, wouldn't let their good deeds go waste.

Friday, the 16th of February 2018.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

People of the Book

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Extract from Chapter 3 of QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir:

110. Kuntum khayra ommatin okhrijat lilnnasi ta/muroona bialmaAAroofi watanhawna AAani almunkari watu/minoona biAllahi walaw amana ahlu alkitabi lakana khayran lahum minhumu almu/minoona waaktharuhumu alfasiqoona

110. You are a better people, picked up for mankind, to enjoin what is right and to forbid what is wrong, and to believe in Allah.127 And had the People of the Book believed, it would certainly be better for them. Among them are some who believe, but most of them are dissolute.128

127. This is a divine confirmation that the task of propagating Islam, the Allah-chosen and Allah-perfected Religion for mankind, has been entrusted to the followers of the Qur'aan, after the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
128. Although at the time of the revelation of the Qur'aan, the epithet 'people of the Book' was applied to the Jews and the Christians it is applicable now to the Muslims as well. They (the Muslims) too are given a divine Book, and among them too there are some who do believe, but most have gone astray.

Friday, the 9th of February 2018.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Theist vs Atheist

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Extract from Chapter 3 of QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir:

109. Walillahi ma fee alssamawati wama fee al-ardi wa-ila Allahi turjaAAu al-omooru

109. And to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. And to Allah, the matters return.126

126. Here's a crucial point of difference between an atheist and a theist believing in an Entity consciously creating and sustaining the entire Universe. For an atheist, this worldly life is the 'be-all' and 'end-all' of all things. To him, a man is just a superior type of animal. Nothing more. Like all other animals, he is born, he lives for an uncertain number of years, and he dies. During his span of life in this competitive world, if he uses his intelligence shrewdly in out-manoeuvring others in the games of life, he can enjoy the fruits, although temporary, thereof. Otherwise, his life would be miserable. For him, there is none to sit in judgement on the propriety or impropriety of his actions. For a believer in Allah, on the other hand, death is not the 'end-all'. Life for him here is only a test. The matters he is involved in are referred to his Creator for final adjudication. Along with the matters, he too is returned to the Creator, after death, for facing His judgement on his performance in this life. He is accountable to Allah for all his acts of omission and commission.

Friday, the 2nd of February 2018.