In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
Extract from QUR’AANIC
STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir PART I:
206. Wa-itha qeela lahu ittaqi Allaha akhathat-hu
alAAizzatu bial-ithmi fahasbuhu jahannamu walabi/sa almihadu
2:206. And when he is asked
to fear Allah, pride drives him to sin.362 Hell, then, is a just
retribution for him. And that, surely, is an awful resting place!
362. And pride it was that felled Satan from Allah's
grace (peruse Chapter Note 33 of
these Studies). And pride it is that distances a human being from His mercy.
Pride it was that induced Satan to commit the sin of openly disobeying Allah. And
pride it is that induces man to commit the sin of persisting with the wrong
that he has been committing, even after realising that what he had been doing
was wrong. The subject person of these Verses impresses people with his tall
talks. But when people realise that his deeds lead only to destruction, they
ask him to fear Allah. He however persists in his wrong doings, just because of
his false pride. He doesn't want to admit publicly that he had been wrong!
Beware, my friends! Such false pride lurks in some corner of the hearts of us
all. Satan is ever vigilant to exploit this lurking sense of pride to lead us
astray from Allah's Straight Path.
Friday, the 26th
of July 2019.