Friday, 24 April 2020

O Muslims - 11

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Extract from QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir PART I:
282. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo itha tadayantum bidaynin ila ajalin musamman faoktuboohu walyaktub baynakum katibun bialAAadli wala ya/ba katibun an yaktuba kama AAallamahu Allahu falyaktub walyumlili allathee AAalayhi alhaqqu walyattaqi Allaha rabbahu wala yabkhas minhu shay-an fa-in kana allathee AAalayhi alhaqqu safeehan aw daAAeefan aw la yastateeAAu an yumilla huwa falyumlil waliyyuhu bialAAadli waistashhidoo shaheedayni min rijalikum fa-in lam yakoona rajulayni farajulun waimraatani mimman tardawna mina alshshuhada-i an tadilla ihdahuma fatuthakkira ihdahuma al-okhra wala ya/ba alshshuhadao itha ma duAAoo wala tas-amoo an taktuboohu sagheeran aw kabeeran ila ajalihi thalikum aqsatu AAinda Allahi waaqwamu lilshshahadati waadna alla tartaboo illa an takoona tijaratan hadiratan tudeeroonaha baynakum falaysa AAalaykum junahun alla taktubooha waashhidoo itha tabayaAAtum wala yudarra katibun wala shaheedun wa-in tafAAaloo fa-innahu fusooqun bikum waittaqoo Allaha wayuAAallimukumu Allahu waAllahu bikulli shay-in AAaleemun

2:282. O you who believe! When you contract a loan among yourselves for a certain period, put it down in writing. And a scribe ought to record it faithfully between you. And the scribe should not refuse to write; as Allah has taught him, so he should write.524 And the one, upon whom lies the liability, should dictate. And he should fear Allah, his Lord, and omit nothing. Then if the one, upon whom lies the liability, is mentally unsound or weak or is himself unable to dictate, let his guardian dictate for him fairly. And two of you men should bear witness. If two men are not available, then one man and two women, you choose from among those present, should bear witness, so that if one of the women retracts, the other stands by her evidence.525 And the witnesses must not refuse when they are called to witness. Be not weary of writing a term contract, small or big. With Allah, that's a proper thing to do for better establishment of evidence and for removal of your doubts, unless it be a hand-to-hand commercial transaction commonly done among yourselves, in which case there is no blame on you if you do not put it in writing. And keep witnesses when you do any business. And cause no harm to the scribe, or to the witnesses. And if you do so, it would indeed be wickedness on your part. And fear Allah. And Allah teaches you.526 And Allah knows everything.

524. At the time of revelation of the Qur'aan, literacy among the public was low. It might have been difficult to get a person who could write. So, it was made obligatory on any literate person available to write the contract. Now, in the present age, the problem of writing down a contract may not be as acute, but still there is palpable reluctance to write. People tend to avoid it out of sheer slothfulness or undue embarrassment at the potential display of lack of faith in one another's oral promises.
525. This does not mean that women have weaker memories than men. To understand the significance of this divine provision, we must go to Verses 92:3 and 92:4. Allah declares therein that men and women have different types of work normally allotted to them. From Verse 2:282, we are presently studying here, it is apparent that the work of witnessing contracts is to be normally done by men. Women are given this duty only in the event of non-availability of two men as witnesses. Since it is not part of her normal duty, a woman may make a mistake while giving evidence as a witness. And as a precautionary measure, the divine Law of Evidence provides for two women in place of one man to witness the debt deed. This provision also makes it clear that, in times of need, women can handle jobs normally done by men.
526. As Allah taught mankind through this very Verse that it is better for everyone concerned to keep witnesses while making business deals, unless it be a hand-to-hand transaction.

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 24th of April 2020.

Friday, 17 April 2020

O Muslims - 10

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

278. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha watharoo ma baqiya mina alrriba in kuntum mu/mineena

2:278. O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what has remained of Ar-Riba, if you are indeed believers.519

519. Recall divine Rulings, Warnings and Directions made in Verses 2:275 and 2:276. The divine admonition, here in Verse 2:278, is in pursuance thereof.

Kindly go through my e-book ISLAM & INTEREST in this context.
Friday, the 17th of April 2020.

Friday, 10 April 2020

O Muslims - 9

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful

267. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo anfiqoo min tayyibati ma kasabtum wamimma akhrajna lakum mina al-ardi wala tayammamoo alkhabeetha minhu tunfiqoona walastum bi-akhitheehi illa an tughmidoo feehi waiAAlamoo anna Allaha ghaniyyun hameedun

2:267. O you believers! Spend from the good things you have lawfully earned and from that which We have taken out for you from the earth503, and seek not for spending, things of little worth there from, which you yourselves would not accept but scornfully. Bear in mind that Allah has everything in abundance and is Praiseworthy.504

503.  Agricultural products, obviously.
504. It is a general human tendency to give away only those things in charity which the giver himself would consider to be unworthy of use. Suppose, for example, I take a superior grade A rice for my personal use. Then if I intend sending some cooked rice as charity to an orphanage, I may take rice of an inferior quality. That is what Allah abhors. HE wouldn't give me any marks for charity on that score. What He expects me to do is use the same superior grade A rice for sending cooked food as charity to the orphanage. Allah allays my fears of getting impoverished by my using the superior quality rice also for charity. He reminds me that it is by His grace that I can use grade A rice for myself. And if He wants to, He can provide for the orphans with food, even better than what I use for my own consumption. By providing me with the means to give charity, He is only testing me as to how I treat the have-nots. Praise be to Him! HE can keep a simultaneous watch on everybody and everything in any part of the Universe. HE has knowledge of what goes on inside the minds and bodies of all living creatures.

Friday, the 10th of April 2020.

Friday, 3 April 2020

O Muslims - 8

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

264. Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la tubtiloo sadaqatikum bialmanni waal-atha kaallathee yunfiqu malahu ri-aa alnnasi wala yu/minu biAllahi waalyawmi al-akhiri famathaluhu kamathali safwanin AAalayhi turabun faasabahu wabilun fatarakahu saldan la yaqdiroona AAala shay-in mimma kasaboo waAllahu la yahdee alqawma alkafireena

2:264. O you believers! Make not your offerings of obligatory charity null and void with boastfulness/bragging and insult, like he who spends his wealth only to show off to people and who believes neither in Allah nor in the Last Day. His simile is like a barren rock covered with soil; then a heavy shower of rain lashes it and leaves it bare. Such people can do nothing with what they have earned.499 And Allah does not guide the people who suppress the Truth!

499. Offerings of such people to needy persons is compared here to soil covering a barren rock. Just like the soil getting washed away by a heavy draught of rain, leaving the barren rock useless for growing any agricultural product, the offerings of such people are useless for getting them any reward from Allah.

Friday, the 3rd of April 2020.