Friday, 30 July 2021

Means of Approach

 In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Qur'aanic Verse 5:35 urges believers to seek الوسيلة (means of approach) to Allah to get success.

The Arabic word الوسيلة has been grossly misunderstood by many Muslims of today. They think that in the light of this Verse, they can invoke the good offices of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and other dead pious men, for conferring of worldly benefits to them and for redressal of their worldly woes. The attention of such Muslims is invited to Verses 17:56 and 17:57 wherein the futility of invoking anyone, other than Allah, is clarified. And in Verse 35:22, the Qur'aan categorically tells mankind, "And you are in no position to make those to hear who are in the graves." The 'means of approach' to Allah are the means which were employed by those great men themselves. They had persistently struggled in Allah's Path as indicated at the end of this Verse (5:35) itself. 'Struggling in Allah's Path' is therefore the means. And 'struggling in Allah's Path' does not mean suicide attacks on soft targets as some may mistakenly believe! It means, on the other hand, to "believe, and do righteous deeds, and admonish with the Truth and admonish with Patience", as enunciated in Surah 103. And 'righteous deeds' are deeds that Allah Almighty commands mankind to do, through His Message, the Qur'aan.

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 30th of July 2021.



Thursday, 22 July 2021


 In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Qur'aan says in Verse 6:159, 'Those indeed who have broken the unity of their Faith, and have become sects, you have nothing to do with them ...'.

From the above, the divine dislike of dividing Islam into sects is obvious! But what is noteworthy is the arithmetical or numerical code used here to give expression to the divine concept of the indivisibility of Islam.

The believers are addressed as يا أيها الذين آمنوا (O you who believe) throughout the Qur'aan for being given necessary instructions on leading a proper life on this earth. And they are so addressed, in all, 89 times therein. 89 is an indivisible prime number!

So, you see, the divine concept of the indivisible Islam is codified here by addressing the believers for a prime number of times - a feat that could only be divine, and not man-made - in the circumstances in which the Qur'aan was revealed, nearly 1500 years ago!

And the Qur'aan is replete with such numerical codes leaving no scope for any doubts about its divinity!!

Mohammad Shafi 
Friday, the 23rd of July 2021.


Thursday, 15 July 2021

In Pairs

 In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

سبحان الذي خلق الأزواج كلها مما تنبت الأرض ومن انفسهم و مما لا يعلمون

Glory to Him Who created pairs of all things – pairs of what the earth grows, pairs of their own kind, and pairs of what they know not!

Above is one of the divine Verses in Arabic, and its translation in English, from the Qur'aanic Chapter Ya-Sin.

It speaks of Glorious Allah creating all things in pairs. But there is an arithmetical code, wonderfully latent, in this Verse too!

The number of the Verse is 36, and the Chapter number in which it is placed is also 36!

So, Chapter number 36 is paired with Verse number 36 therein, to express the creation of all things in pairs!!

To the best of my knowledge and belief, the Qur'aanic Verses were not numbered when first revealed. The numbers were given them, in the order they were found placed, much later.

And also, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this arithmetical code here had not come to conscious notice, ever before!!

Such arithmetical codes in the Qur'aan are a legion. These are there everywhere therein. And these are placed for no other reason than to provide overwhelming evidence of the Qur'aan being divine. No human being could have ever done it even if the entire mankind had lent its support!

Would the skeptic still be adamant not to believe that this Qur'aan - first published long before all our modern amenities were ever available - could only have been divine, and not man-made?

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 16th of July 2021.

Friday, 9 July 2021



In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful


The title above is the Arabic word الطلاق in Roman script. I came across this word while going through the Verses of the Qur'aan on divorce.

The Qur'aanic phrase containing the said word, that came to my notice first, was الطلاق مرتان meaning الطلاق is twice (Verse 2:229). I have discussed the Qur'aanic meaning of الطلاق elsewhere (refer the blog post
What Is Attalaaq)

What I want to draw attention to, here, are the wonderful, superhuman arithmetical codes that the Qur'aan is replete with. The plain meaning of the aforesaid Arabic phrase is of course that الطلاق can be resorted to only twice by a married couple during the duration of their marriage.

But I was pleasantly astonished to find out that an arithmetical code is hidden in the said Arabic phrase too! 

The code is that the word الطلاق has occurred only TWICE throughout the entire Qur'aan!!


And this is not the only instance of the use of secret arithmetical codes. There are instances galore throughout the Qur'aan!


And remember that the Qur'aan was revealed not all at once but in parts, during the long course of 23 years in the 7th century AD, when none of the modern amenities was available. Not even paper!


Would you still, then, not believe that the Qur'aan is divine and not man-made!?


Mohammad Shafi


Thursday, 1 July 2021

FRIDAY SERMONS: Abusive Attitude



The Qur'aan repeatedly asserts that it is well explained within itself. And,  yet, most Muslims - almost all of their religious leaders included - believe that the Qur'aanic term الربا is not defined therein. 

But when I questioned their thus openly contradicting the Qur'aan (refer What Is Ar-Riba ), l received an abusive response! The response was not a reasoned one, but just abusive. I was told, "Shame on you 
You jahil retard.
How many days are left behind for your life?
When you will repent you you want to die with your sinful and corrupt fake ideology?" 

Such abusive language is unbecoming of a Muslim. The Qur'aan directs us to be kind even while arguing with others (Verse 29:46).

I request all my Muslim brothers and sisters never to use such abusive language. It gives Islam a falsely bad name.

Mohammad Shafi 
Friday, the 2nd of July 2021.