Thursday, 24 November 2016

Who Created Allah?

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
An atheist denies the existence of Allah. He maintains, "The universe, and  everything therein, have come about on their own!" And when you tell him that these are all created things - created by the infinitely powerful Being, Whom the Muslims call Allah, he asks, "Then who created Allah?"

The simple and incontrovertible answer to that question would be:
"Allah is the Power that has no beginning, nor any end! On the other hand, created things have all a beginning; there was a time when these things were not in existence. Since Allah has always been there, and shall always be there, there is no question at all, of His being created."

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 25th November, 2016

Obey the Messenger!

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Pasted below is an extract from QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir:

132. WaateeAAoo Allaha waalrrasoola laAAallakum turhamoona

132. And obey Allah and the Messenger so that Mercy is bestowed upon you.144 to 146

144. This Qur'aanic directive to obey the Messenger is grossly misunderstood. The Messenger is no longer living in this world, and there is no question of his issuing any directives now in person, which could be obeyed. The directives he had issued, while he was living, under Allah's guidance, are most authentically incorporated in the Qur'aan. So when the believers obey the directives in the Qur'aan, they in effect obey both Allah and His Messenger. But a majority of the Muslims now say that obeying the Qur'aanic directives alone wouldn't be akin to obeying the Messenger. He (the Messenger), they insist, had issued some detailed instructions for practical implementation of the divine directives in the Qur'aan. These practical instructions, they say, are contained in the ahaadeeth. According to these Muslims, then, the divinely approved Religion of Islam is not complete and perfect without the ahaadeeth!

145. The majority contention of the present-day Muslims as above, clearly contradicts many Qur'aanic statements like those quoted below:
·         "...We have missed nothing in the Book..." [Verse 6.38]
·         "...It is not a concocted hadeeth but a confirmation of what preceded it and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and a mercy for the people who believe." [Verse 12.111]
The Muslim contention in fact betrays their lack of belief in the Qur'aan.

146. It is an accepted fact that the ahaadeeth contain many contradictions. And in the light of the divine criterion laid down in Verse 4.82, such writings cannot be from Allah. So by treating these non-divine writings at par with the divine Verses of the Qur'aan, the Muslims are committing the unpardonable sin of shirk. Nay, they are committing a sin worse than shirk. They are rejecting the divine Verses which say that everything is explained in the Qur'aan, and they seek the explanation instead in the error-prone, man-influenced ahaadeeth. They, in effect, believe in men narrating the ahaadeeth to the recorders, hundreds of years after the death of the Prophet. But they do not believe in Allah!! May the GhafoorurRaheem make them realise, before it becomes too late, that they are, by doing so, inexorably hurtling themselves into a painful doom.

Guide us to the Right Path, Allah!

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 25th November, 2016.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Are We Muslims? ...Really!?

Muslims are – supposedly – adherents of Islam. And, Islam is total submission to the Will of Allah, the One and Only Creator and Sustainer of the entire Universe and of everything therein.

Let alone submission to Allah, but, first, do we believe in Him?

The sad fact is that most of us do not! Although we loudly declare ourselves to be believers, our minds are secretly assailed by doubts about Allah’s existence. The doubts persist despite innumerable and proliferating evidences, in and around us, to decisively dispel those doubts.

Take the most obvious evidence – of one’s own self! Who is the architect and maker of this wonderful mind securely placed in a wonderful body? Our parents? Needless to state that they were just instruments used by the unseen Maker to meticulously fashion and produce, with superhuman intelligence, a little human being, in its mother’s womb, made ready to face the harsh, open, outside world.

The atheists catch at the straw of the devious theory of evolution (based on the dubious principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest) thrown at them by Darwin to deny that any Power or Entity had consciously produced that little human being. They cannot deny the superhuman intelligence that has undoubtedly gone into its production. They cannot deny that in its making, an intimate awareness, of what circumstances it would have to face, is wonderfully inherent. But still they deny the hand of the superhuman Power making that little living thing happen! An obviously nonsensical statement from supposedly scientific minds!!
In everything of this Universe – whether animate or inanimate, and whether huge stars larger than our Sun or tiny invisible atoms – the immense power of that Superpower is unmistakably discernible, especially to a scientifically oriented knowledgeable mind.

Yet, unfortunately, the atheist satanically persists in denying the existence of that Superpower – whom Muslims call Allah – controlling everything in His Creation. And, the so-called Muslims – by and large –  secretly entertain the doubt that, maybe, the atheist is right!!

I have compelling reasons for making that grievous statement.

But before I give the reasons, I have here to point out another aspect of the Muslim Faith – the inalienable belief that the Qur’aan is a pure and inalterable divine Book.

And there are evidences galore showing its divinity. The evidences that I have myself verified are mathematical in nature. Readers are invited to see what these are by clicking my blog posts The Twelve and Jesus=Adam. There are many such amazingly fool-proof mathematical locks in the Qur’aan! Readers can access my other writings on such evidences by clicking Signs.

Despite such an avalanche of evidences, the Muslims tend to follow the atheist in their lifestyles! That is proof enough – if proof is at all needed – that they (most of them, that is) have little belief in Allah and the Qur’aan.

Had they that belief, there would not be a miniscule minority of them studying the Qur’aan with grave and serious understanding, as is the position in the world today. They do not study the Qur’aan because they are not sure it is from Allah, pure and simple. Had they been sure that they shall forever burn in Hell-fire for ignoring its directives, they would study the Qur’aan, day and night, for fear of straying away therefrom.

And even among those few who sincerely believe in Allah, and in the Qur’aan being a divine Book, there are those, in whom, unfortunately, the accursed Satan has subtly succeeded in inculcating the misleading belief that the Qur’aan does not contain the complete code of conduct for man to achieve salvation. Even those, well-known as scholars of Islam, have come to believe that the Allah-given Deen is incomplete without the man-influenced, error-prone ahaadeeth!

These scholars are seemingly blind to the fact that they are thereby contradicting the Qur’aan itself! In several of its Verses it is unequivocally reiterated that it is a self-sufficient Guide for man to tread the Path to Salvation. Please go through this article in this regard.

When their scholars take the lead in, in effect, disbelieving the divine Book, one can well imagine the extent to which the Muslims have strayed into this disbelief.

And, so, in effect, an overwhelming majority of them are Muslims only in name. No wonder then that Allah Almighty has effectively withdrawn His Hand of Mercy from them. That is why they, as a community, have become the proverbial whipping boy for every Tom, Dick and Harry in the world today!

Mohammad Shafi
Friday, the 18th of November, 2016.