In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the
Extract from Chapter 30 of QUR’AANIC
STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir:
39. Wama ataytum
min riban liyarbuwa fee amwali alnnasi fala yarboo AAinda Allahi wama ataytum min zakatin
tureedoona wajha Allahi faola-ika humu almudAAifoona
39. And what you give for
profit so that the increase is at the cost of other people's amwaal (property, dues) then it is not a
lawful increase/profit with Allah.7 And what you give in charity
seeking Allah's pleasure – the givers of such charity are the ones who will get
their return multiplied.
7. Herein lies the Qur’aanic definition of
Ar-Riba that gets prohibited in Verse 2:275. For further details in this regard
please read What is Ar-Riba, a Chapter from the book ISLAM
What Allah dislikes is a gain that is sought to be made by usurping the
rightful amwaal (properties,
earnings, dues) of others. Such gains are termed Ar-Riba wherever else the
Qur’aan refers to these, as in Verses 2:275, 3:130, 4:161, etc.
Friday, the 26th
January 2018.