In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
Excerpts from QUR’AANIC
STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir PART I:
172. Ya ayyuha allatheena
amanoo kuloo min tayyibati ma razaqnakum
waoshkuroo lillahi in kuntum iyyahu taAAbudoona
2:172. O those who believe!
Eat of good, clean and wholesome food We have provided you with. And be
grateful to Allah, if Him it is you worship.280
280. ….. And, good, clean and wholesome (tuayyibaat)
food is obviously that which promotes physical, mental and moral health. A
little reflection should convince any believer that the Creator has not only
created all the creatures but has also made adequate provisions for their
sustenance. To name just one among countless such provisions is the wonderful
phenomenon of the water cycle in Nature. But for the rains, most creatures
would starve to death. And, despite all the technological progress, failure of
rainfall in even a single year could ruin the economy of most countries.
Believers would therefore be failing in their duty, if they do not feel sincerely
grateful to their Lord for all the elaborate arrangements He has made for their
Friday, the 28th
of February 2020.