Friday, 28 May 2021


In the Name of  Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

In Verse 2:193, the Qur'aan urges believers to fight till corruption/persecution ends و يكون الدين لله. The part of the Verse which I have purposely left in Arabic could well be rendered as 'and the way of life becomes (free) for Allah'.

I have so rendered it because Allah Almighty has obviously given mankind the freedom of choice. Any human is free even to deny the very existence of Allah! He/she will not be punished on this earth just because of such denial so long as that person does not indulge in the persecution of or oppression to others. It is for Allah Almighty to deal with such a person, in the Hereafter!

Believers are urged to fight persecution/oppression and not the personal belief of any individual. Compulsion on anything, by itself,  is persecution!

Mohammad Shafi 
Friday, the 28th of May 2021

Thursday, 20 May 2021

FRIDAY SERMONS: Reading the Qur'aan

In my childhood, I do not remember any elder urging me to understand what I read of the Qur'aan! It was the general belief then that it was enough for a child to learn how to read it. Understanding it was never stressed upon!

This reprehensible attitude prevails even now, although the Qur'aan asks أفلا يتدبرون القرآن Will they not, then, ponder over the Qur'aan?... [Verse 47:24]

The ugly fact of the matter is that the so-called Muslims generally have abandoned thein Qur'aan, and have thus abandoned the Protective Hand of Allah!

Mohammad Shafi

Friday, the 21st of May 2021.

Friday, 14 May 2021

FRIDAY SERMONS: Are We Muslims, Really?

 FRIDAY SERMONS: Are We Muslims, Really?

The Qur'aan prescribes exact timings for the Dawn and Dusk prayers. The Dawn prayer time ends at Sunrise. 

But I have seen many of those who are very close to me that they make it a habit to get up and pray after the Sun rises!

They seemingly to be unaware of the statement, loud and clear, that they thus make that they do not believe the Qur'aan to be divine!!

Jared Akhtar, the self-proclaimed atheist, openly says it is not, but people who do not adhere to Qur'aanic edicts, knowingly, also thus proclaim their disbelief.

On this auspicious day of Eid, I appeal to all my dear and near one's - and to all Muslims - to adhere to Qur'aanic edicts, in letter and in spirit, in order to achieve real success that matters, 

Mohammad Shafi

Friday, the 14th of May 2021.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Wordly Life

It is extremely uncertain. I have had a fairly long innings myself- I am 85 not out

 presently. But I have seen my own son, my own younger brother, my own younger sister, and many other younger persons die!

The thing that bothers me is that most human beings are bothered about this uncertain life only! They do not believe that therre is a permanent life in the  Hereafter. Allah Almighty has sent us here to this world only to check our eligibility for a permanent good life in the Hereafter. That should be our main concern; but, unfortunately it is not!

May Allah save us!

I am unable to send this FRIDAY SERMON in the usual manner as I am on a hospital bed as a Covid patient.  Please pray for me!I do pray for all.

Mohammad Shafi 

Friday, the 7th of May 2021.