Thursday 6 July 2017

Feedback on New Moon

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Continuing from the Sermon for last Friday, let me discuss here some critical feedback I received thereon.

In the opinion of one critic, there could be no such thing as a global lunar calendar. He wouldn’t even agree that there is any global solar calendar either. In an example he cited, at the time it was 8:43 am of 4th July in Australia this year, it was still 3rd July at his place.

I pointed out to him that it was Tuesday in Australia at the said time on 4th July there, and Monday 3rd July at his place. But when 4th July did come to his place it was Tuesday there too! ‘Despite the difference of time zones, the same (Gregorian) calendar is in use at both the places! That is what I mean by a globally viable calendar. The Qur'aan envisaged such a globally viable lunar calendar.’ People like him are coming in the way.

Nevertheless, despite such irrational opposition, more and more countries are now veering round to the Qur’aan-envisaged global lunar calendar. At present, it has just been for Ramadan fasts – some of the other countries merely following Saudi Arabia. But for the legal inception of a globally viable lunar calendar, an international agreement on the nitty-gritties thereof – a la of the Gregorian Calendar – is required. Most of the details, like the international dateline, of that Calendar can ipso facto be adopted. But the moot point for the lunar Calendar would be as to when, after the birth of the new moon, the lunar next month would start, internationally.

A brother has suggested, “If on any solar date (irrespective of local time and place), New Moon is born, then the next solar date will be the first day of lunar month in every part of the world.I think that’s a viable suggestion, but it has got to be internationally approved and applied.

The only international body, I can think capable of doing that, is Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Any reader in a position to contact the Organization, may kindly bring this important issue for their consideration and resolution.

A brother from Australia thinks that it’s time to consider this matter we are discussing as too prolonged, and it should be closed to make way for discussing other urgent matters like minority bashing in India.

To the brother from Australia, and to many other Muslims, the question of having a globally viable lunar calendar is unimportant. For, they all have the Gregorian solar calendar to go by for their day-to-day needs.

I think this general attitude among Muslims is at the root of their all-too-palpable despicable position as a community in the world today. The community has become a favourite whipping boy for every Tom, Dick and Harry. It is as if Allah Almighty has withdrawn His Hand of Mercy from them. The Qur’aan had warned them of this ignominy if they ceased to follow it. It had told them, in no uncertain terms, that they should establish a globally viable lunar Calendar for their day-to-day mundane activities. The Muslims completely neglected this divine instruction. And the Rabb of all mankind transferred this responsibility of establishing a calendar viable for them all, to the Christians. For, otherwise, their increasingly global activities would be in chaos. The Christians then established the internationally viable solar calendar. And the Muslims were doomed for their disobedience! But even now, the Muslims can resurrect a globally viable lunar calendar, for, it can, I am informed, correct the slight lacuna inherent in the solar calendar.

And as for the Muslim bashing, the Qur’aan tells them that if they say that Allah is their Rabb, and solemnly abide by that conviction, come what may, they would have nothing to fear, nor would they grieve [Verse 46:13].

Friday, the 7th of July 2017.

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