Thursday, 2 September 2021


In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful 

The word شريعة (Sharia) is bandied around, all over the world, even without knowing what it really means. Non-Muslims consider it to be a sinister, medieval code of harsh laws. Muslims themselves are responsible for this perception! Some of the Muslim countries have made it obligatory for men to have long beards and for women to have a complete head to feet covering in public, and such other archaic laws, as part of شريعة. Such archaic laws are not part of the Qur’aanic شريعة. The شريعة as understood by those Muslim countries is based, on man-written books, published long after the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

In the Qur'aan, this word is mentioned in Verse 45:18 whereby Prophet Muhammad was informed that he himself was created with the divine code of conduct inherent in him. This code of conduct, inherent in the Prophet, is the Message of the Qur'aan! So, شريعة must be explored within the Qur'aan itself! Seeking its meaning outside the Qur'aan has led the Muslims astray. 

What then is the Code of Conduct (شريعة) laid down in the Qur’aan?

Summarised, for the sake of this short article, the essentials of this Code are as under:

1. Belief in Allah.

2. Belief in the Qur'aan being  a Message from Allah.

3. Belief in the Hereafter. 

4. Standing firmly for justice and truth.

I would elaborate on the essentials above as under:

The Universe and everything therein are so intricately and intelligently interlinked that the concept of their coming into being of their own accord, is just nonsense, even from the scientific point of view! From the same point of view, it would be nonsense to say that their creators are more than one.

The Unitary Power that created everything is called Allah in Islam. The Power could be called by any other appropriate name.

Allah has sent mankind to this earth for testing their eligibility for an everlastingly happy life in the Hereafter. There is another life after death, which is the Hereafter. Only those will be eligible to be happy there who have led شريعة lives here, at least during the last phase before death. The others go to Hell there!

The dos and the don'ts in the Qur’aan constitute the شريعة. The dos are all good things like truthfulness, honesty, kindness, sympathy, and ways and means to cultivate these. And the don'ts are all bad things like theft, treachery, oppression, dishonesty, falsehood, and ways and means employed for their perpetration.

People are urged to boldly stand for justice and truth even when it goes against their own selves or their near and dear ones.

Much ado is raised about the punishment of cutting a hand for theft (Verse 5:38). In the very next Verse (5:39), the perpetrator of the crime is pardoned if he/she repents and makes amends. The provision of a harsh punishment serves only as a deterrent. Only a repeater of the crime may suffer the harsh punishment. Even then it must be remembered that this punishment can be awarded only by a State governed strictly under Qur'aanic شريعة. In such a state, the judge would be an Allah-fearing person, who would not award the harsh punishment unless he is sure, without a shadow of a doubt, that the person concerned has indeed committed the crime. So, this is a case of much ado about nothing!

Question is also raised as to why a daughter inherits only half the share of a son, under the شريعة. Those who raise this question do not know that in Islam, the responsibility of bearing the family expenses is on a male member and not on a female. Moreover, a wife gets shares in inheritance both from her parents' side and from the husband's side. A husband gets inheritance only from his parents' side. And there are other aspects to this issue that are beyond the scope of this short article.

In Islam, sexual enjoyment is restricted within the bounds of marriage. Taking this outside these bounds generate many evils that would be bad for a good human society. The Qur'aanic شريعة has therefore put certain behavioural and dressing norms to avoid sexual provocation in public. But these norms do not prevent females from acquiring education or doing any normal Societal work in public as wrongly professed in some quarters.

The Qur'aanic شريعة, in short, is designed to generate a free and secure society for all mankind - even for those who do not believe in Allah, in the Qur'aan, and in the Hereafter. They will be dealt with by Allah Himself in the Hereafter. No earthly authority has any power to punish them for that unless they indulge in some crime against their fellow human beings.

It is not very important to have a high position in the life of this world. What is important is to qualify here for a place in Paradise. There is no harm in trying to get some important and fair position on this earth, but that should be done by fair means, not foul.

Mohammad Shafi

Friday, the 3rd of September 2021.


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